Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Researching....my thoughts.

     The process of researching for my paper began with a visit to a few databases. I found it somewhat difficult to find information on my topic until I learned what key words to actually use. I was then able to find good scholarly sources. I was happy to have been instructed on how to use the databases because I do feel they can be a little overwhelming.

       I have researched numerous subjects. None of them have ever interested me as much as compulsory foreign language instruction.  As an older adult who is studying Spanish as a second language, I find it appalling that as a nation we find it unnecessary to require study of a second language in our school systems. The research clearly shows the numerous benefits that are far-reaching. I could find no disadvantages.

Compulsory Foreign Language Instruction

Foreign Language Instruction...


Should foreign language instruction be compulsory in the USA?
What benefits would that bring?
Are there drawbacks?
Where do you begin?

The United States has become a country of isolationism, imperialism, and nationalism. America is neither ready nor prepared to handle the language and cultural demands of the current world. Only one-fifth of the world’s population speaks English. The current attitude that English alone is sufficient limits the American people in unacceptable ways.  It is imperative that the United States begin to implement and improve the quantity and quality of language study immediately. Foreign language instruction should be compulsory at all school levels. 

     The benefits of learning a foreign language are numerous.
  • Stimulated mental development                           
  • Better academic success  
  • Better business opportunities    
  • Global competitiveness    

There really are no drawbacks.

The road to a country that is bilingual begins by changing the rules, training teachers and educating the people.
It begins with our children.
               Children learn easily.
               Children learn fast.
               The ability to permanently grasp a new language diminishes... 
                                                          One or two semesters is NOT enough.
                                                           Every grade, every year.

Bilingualism should not be such a foreign concept in the United States. America must turn from the extremes of imperialism and nationalism and embrace the global world and its languages. Speaking a foreign language is something that does not have any downsides, and the benefits are numerous. It prepares students for life, whether it is either looking for a job or keeping them up to par with countries around the world. The detrimental effects of not studying foreign language are many, and the challenge of preventing these detriments is to confront them with knowledge, skill, and the study of foreign languages.